The Benefits of Drinking Early Morning Water - Healthymummy's blog


Wednesday, November 28, 2018

The Benefits of Drinking Early Morning Water

 The Benefits of Drinking Early Morning Water

It is a long known secret that drinking water as soon as you get up, i.e. before eating anything, is a good way to purify your internal system. One of the most important results of undergoing this treatment is colon cleansing, which enables better absorption of nutrients from various foods. When there is production of haematopoiesis, better known as “new blood”, you will have immense body restorative effects and you can even be cured of existing ailments. 

Drinking water the first thing in the morning has the following benefits:

1. Make your skin glow. Water is known to purge toxins from your blood, and as a result you get glowing skin.
2. Renew cells. Drinking water first thing in the morning increases the rate at which new muscle and blood cells are produced.
3. Balance the lymph system. When you drink water first thing in the morning on a daily basis, you help balance your body’s lymph system. Lymph glands found in your lymph system fight infections helping you to perform your daily activities. They also balance the fluids in your body.
4. Lose weight. When you consume about 16 ounces of water (chilled), you will boost your body’s metabolism by abut 24% thus help you lose those extra pounds.
5. Purify the colon. When you drink water after you have woken up before eating anything, you are purifying your colon thereby making nutrients absorption easy.
6. Cures illnesses and diseases. Drinking water first thing in the morning has been proven to cure illnesses such as vomiting, throat disease, menstrual and cancer disorders, eye diseases, diarrhea, urine disease, kidney disease, meningitis, TB, Arthritis, headaches among others.

Other benefits of water

Water is powerful. It can destroy things and carve out it’s path, but it can also give life, cleanse and make things grow. No single substance on Earth is more vital to our existence than water. DRINKING A SUFFICIENT amount of WATER EVERYDAY is crucial to our existence here on Earth. Very few things in our body and the world in general can function without it. If you drink enough not only will your SKIN love you, but so will your Organs, Muscles, Brain and Waistline.
First of all you need to know how much to drink. Take your body weight divide it by 2 and that’s how much water you need to take daily in ounces. Drink more if you workout that day and also more if you often drink coffee or tea.

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