list of Signs of Depression and how to Cope with Depression - Healthymummy's blog


Wednesday, November 28, 2018

list of Signs of Depression and how to Cope with Depression


Signs and symptoms

Depression is a very serious problem in this generation. There are levels of depression. It may be one week, two or month, but when depression is more than two weeks, it is known as chronic depressed mood.  Depression comes with sadness, frustrated, feeling dejected, lack of enthusiasm, partially or totally withdrawal from friends and family. A depressed person always envelop themselves in their own world, always unwilling to communicate and associate with people.

 A depressed soul is own or miserable most of the time, or have lost interest or pleasure in usual activities, and have also experienced several of the signs and symptoms across at least three of the categories below.

It’s important to remember that we all experience some of these symptoms from time to time, and it may not necessarily mean you're depressed. Equally, not everyone who is experiencing depression will have all of these symptoms.

Certain behavior  of a depressed person

  • inability to go  out anymore
  • so parochial about work activities both  at work/school
  • total or partial lack of appetite 
  • always wants to be alone
  • withdrawing from close family and friends
  • relying on alcohol and sedatives or any drug inducing substance
  • not doing usual enjoyable activities
  • the level of concentration is nothing to write home about
Apart from the above listed factors which can be found in a depressed person, there are certain feelings that categorize depression. Always be conscious when you see yourself, close friends or spouse in the below listed feelings. 

     Feelings of a depressed being

  • always sad
  • overwhelmed
  • irrational
  • guilty
  • hopeless
  • helpless
  • irritable
  • frustrated
  • lacking in confidence
  • unhappy
  • indecisive
  • disappointed
  • hopeless
  • miserable
  • sad

Thoughts of a depressed person

  • 'I’m a failure.'
  • 'It’s my fault.'
  • 'Nothing good ever happens to me.'
  • 'I’m worthless.'
  • 'Life’s not worth living.'
  • 'People would be better off without me.'

physical signs of depression

  • tired all the time
  • sick and run down
  • headaches and muscle pains
  • churning gut
  • sleep problems
  • loss or change of appetite
  • significant weight loss or gain
Depression is killing. After reading the list of signs of depression, please use five seconds to share the information and also subscribe to my blog. Thank you

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